Contact Information
Technology High School Athletic Director - Mark Meinhofer
Phone: 707-792-4825
Fax: 707-792-4727
Athletic Trainer - Erin Stovall
Phone: 707 - 792 - 4512
Eligibility Regulations
The student must:
1. Have completed the eligibility packet prior to the first day of practice:
-Physical examination completed after June 1 of each school year (Most important!) (Earlier exam verifying fitness for sports participation is okay if signed by a doctor and dated after the
June 1 e.g. Kaiser Physical)
-Verification of health insurance coverage, including insurance policy number and the name, address and phone number of the athlete's parent or guardian.
-Consent to participate and for medical treatment signed by the parent / guardian and the student-athlete.
-North Coast Section/CIF Ejection Policy acknowledgement signed by student participation and parent/guardian.
2. Attain a minimum 2.00 grade point average at the conclusion of the grading period. If not met, must submit application for waiver of the academic requirement (participation in the extracurricular study team)
3. Not have previously participated in sports in the last twelve months while attending any other high school besides THS. If transferring from another school where participation of sport has occurred, to THS the student athlete must complete an application for a waiver of ineligibility due to transfer (Note: a real change of residence by the student and the parents/guardian from another area of school attendance to the THS attendance area makes the student automatically eligible for participation in sports at THS. See the athletic director for eligibility forms or questions.
4. Be enrolled in at least 20 semester units of study/coursework and have passed 20 units' study/coursework in the previous grading period.
5. Not have reached his/her nineteenth birthday prior to June 15th of the school year.
6. Have completed the eighth grade and has not exceeded more than eight consecutive semesters of high school following the initial enrollment into the ninth grade at any school.
7. Not violate the CIF amateur status.
8. Not have participated in more than four sports in any one particular sport in a four-year high school season of sport.
9. Be at least fifteen years old (varsity football eligibility requirement only)
10. Comply with attendance policy whereby the athlete must have attended school for at least four (4) periods on the day of a contest or on a Friday, the day before, if a contest is on a Saturday.
11. Not have received from any source any athletic award for CIF high school competition of more than $25 in value unless the CIF section permits a larger award for membership on a championship team. Such awards cannot be cash, a gift certificate or merchandise. See page 27-28 of the THS Handbook for more details.
Fall Sports are Here!
Find schedules for Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer Below.
Getting ready for Winter or Spring Sports? Fill out an Athletic Packet (along with a doctor's note) and turn it into the front office. Students must have a packet submitted and be
cleared by the Athletic Director prior to attending any practices.
Athletics Calendar
Athletic Schedules,ca)/home.htm
New NCAA Eligibility Requirements